God has an incredible purpose for your life!
The PASTOR IN TRAINING cohort will help you step into the pastoral calling God created for you.
In the PASTOR IN TRAINING cohort, you will…
1) serve and lead in every area of the church,
2) learn and receive training from some of today’s best pastors,
3) grow on the go, through a hands-on apprenticeship.
Program Elements
- Sign up. Sign the Two Rivers leadership covenant and live an exemplary lifestyle.
- Show up. Pastors don’t get Sunday off. Ministry is a 24/7 lifestyle. This program is designed to stretch your time commitment and your tenacity. You will find that leading the church is an all-encompassing pursuit that will require your time. You will be challenged to quit or slack off: DON’T.
- Pay up. As a pastor, you will constantly invest in your ministry financially. Your financial commitment is far beyond tithing. This program will challenge you in your relationship with money. Conferences and trips, education costs, and passing up on work opportunities to make more money will be common tests.
- Pray up. No one can develop you more than the Holy Spirit at work in your life. This program is designed to “pour you out” in ministry. You will cultivate a regular rhythm of soul care that will allow you to finish well in ministry.
- Read up. As a pastor, you will be required to learn continually. Read the Word of God daily. Read the Staff Team book monthly. Do your work for NYSOM.
- Lead up. As a pastor, you must be able to start ministries from scratch. You will be required to start a small group, lead in various ministry departments and grow the department team. You will also learn to communicate from the front during guest welcome, Prayer One, offering, and response elements.