The following steps have been carefully planned to facilitate gospel transformation in your life allowing you to experience God’s best every day. Two Rivers Assembly encourages you to explore each step in your journey with Christ.
Start by participating in the environment described in the first tab. Complete the “Rapids” in each environment. Some “Rapids” are meant to be habitual, others have built in conclusions. Ultimately, paticipation is not about “leveling up” at TRA. We believe that participation in these environments will lead you to Jesus and into a deeper relationship with him.
Attend the GROWTH TRACK class
The GROWTH TRACK class is the first step in connecting to Two Rivers Assembly. It is a simple process that begins the first Sunday of every month.
Two Rivers 101:
This class covers the history, vision, values, and strategy of our church. TR 101 takes place the first Sunday of every month, immediately following the morning worship experience, and includes free lunch! This is where to start.
Essentials 201:
This class will give you the tools necessary to take next steps in your relationship with God. Whether you are brand new to faith, or have been a Christian for years, Essentials will ignite in you a passion for spiritual growth. Essentials takes place the second Sunday of every month, immediately following the morning worship experience.
Discovery 301:
This class will help you explore your unique God design, and how your personality and spiritual gifts can be used in ministry. Discovery takes place the third Sunday of every month, immediately following the morning worship experience.
Transformation Team 401:
The Growth Track process is complete when you attend an orientation or training meeting with the Transformation Team of your choice.
[/panel] [/accordion]AR – ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS
The next step in the Two Rivers discipleship journey is to go deeper in our relationships. AR unpacks God’s plan for our relationships whether we are single, married, or somewhere in-between. [/panel] [panel title=” CLASS THREE RAPIDS ” ]
Followers of Jesus are invited to experience all that God has for us in the Word. Awakening is about discovering what we never knew we could have in God, and experiencing all of the Holy Spirit’s gifts in our lives. [/panel] [/accordion]
Extraordinary people together doing unprecedented things! After discovering some of your unique abilities in our Growth Track we will give you opportunity to use your gifts to serve others in ministries in and out of the church. We are transformed as we serve to transform the world around us.
[/panel] [panel title=” CLASS FIVE RAPIDS ” ]JOIN A tGROUP
tGroups are small groups of people who meet together on a regular basis. They are drawn together by common interests, a specific topic or activity, or a particular demographic.
In addition to offering a place of gathering for similar interests, our tGroups also offer a place of community and spiritual growth. So, whether you are reading through a Bible Study together, serving with one of our World Transformation projects, or sharing a common interest, our tGroups offer a safe place for growth.
[/panel] [panel title=” CLASS SIX RAPIDS ” ]BECOME A LEADER
Leadership is a process of development that is open to anyone willing to embark on the journey. At Two Rivers, we believe leadership development is best accomplished through relationships. Both with those you lead and those who lead you. Our mentor based leadership process creates a pathway for potential leaders to be identified and developed. Being invited into a leadership role can occur as development progresses. Essentially, the leadership process will serve to help you grow from impacting a circle of friends to impacting a community for the cause of Christ.
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