To audition for the Two Rivers Band you must first complete Next Steps Online. While you are in the process of attending all 4 lunches follow these 2 steps to audition for the team:

  1. CLICK HERE  to fill out the online band audition form.
  2. Record and upload a video of yourself playing or singing with the two loops that match your instrument of choice. You can upload your video with both songs online (youtube, vimeo, etc.) and email the link or send the file directly to [email protected].


Everything you need to audition is right here on this page. We provided you with 3 things for each position.

  • MP3 of the song so that you hear the way the song is played.
  • Click and loop of the song so you can play along with the click and the band.
  • Chart: This will give you the basic layout of the song so that you know what cords to play

If you are auditioning for multiple instruments or instruments & vocals, submit separate videos for each.


  • You can shoot the video with your phone or tablet as long as we can see you and hear the audio.
  • If you need to learn how to play leads or other parts there are plenty of tutorials on youtube or other websites that will help you learn the songs.
  • Try to match the song the best you can. That means the tone of the instruments or the vocalist and the way they play it. Keep it simple and do your best.
  • When you record make sure you play with the loop and click. Every time we play as a band we will be playing with a loop and click track just like the ones that are provided.