We have 6 core values that we embrace at Two Rivers Church…
1. God’s Problems First
We embrace and live Matthew 6:33 “Seek first the Kingdom of God.” We seek to hear the voice of God giving direction to everything we do. We live in an abundance paradigm and invest generously into Kingdom endeavors and people who can’t pay us back.
2. Spirit Empowerment
The Spirit makes the difference! A Spirit-empowered church will work to bring transformation to the world around us through the selfless love of Christ exemplified. We live naturally supernatural lives and participate in spirit-empowered worship experiences with Jesus at the center. In a Spirit-empowered church, people will declare, “God is really among you!” We value the presence of Jesus in our programs above all else. Wherever Jesus went, he brought life and wholeness, transforming lives with his love. The Spirit of God empowers us to function in the manner of Jesus!
3. Continuous Improvement
Continuous Improvement is better than excellence. When people don’t measure up to a standard of excellence, they are often discarded or overlooked. Two Rivers values everyone, helping them grow incrementally. We are a community of radical grace. Radical grace allows everyone the freedom to make mistakes and gives space for everyone to belong no matter how they look, talk, act, smell, or vote. We aren’t looking to be cool according to culture. We are looking to find the overlooked wherever they are and invite them to participate in the kingdom.
4. Do More with Less
We embrace sacrifice and hard work. If we are faithful and fruitful with what we have, God will give us more. Rather than larger buildings, we will use our buildings more often. The size of the church building matters. We have embraced the limitation of the size of the room to 500 people or less to facilitate the community and spiritual gift expression found in the early church. Rather than building bigger buildings, we will build more buildings to reach more people. We aren’t limited by what we don’t have, we are limited by what we are unwilling to attempt.
5. Life Giving
Quality is the root, quantity is the fruit. Quality is measured in 8 ways:
- Empowering leadership. Leaders consider it their job to equip and empower others rather than become spiritual superstars.
- Gift-oriented ministry. God has already determined which people should best assume which ministries in the church. Leaders identify and match people to the roles that God has gifted them.
- Passionate spirituality. Faith is lived out with commitment, fire, and enthusiasm.
- Functional Structures. Systems and processes are a means to an end. Whatever does not measure up is changed or laid to rest.
- Inspiring worship. People participate in worship, and you might even say we had fun. Worship is a two-way experience that is wonderful.
- Holistic small groups. Groups are not limited to one approach. Groups facilitate intimate community, practical help, and intensive spiritual interaction.
- Need-oriented evangelism. Share the gospel in a way that meets the questions and needs of non-Christians.
- Loving relationships. Unfeigned, practical love endows a church with a much greater magnetic power than all the marketing efforts of the world.
6. Apostolic Ministry
We function in and teach about apostolic ministry. Church Multiplication is the result of biblical apostolic ministry. We value the breakthrough anointing that comes when we are in apostolic ministry relationships. We can’t be who God has called us to be until every believer is activated and serving in their ministry gift. In God’s kingdom, every member is a minister. Therefore, we live as spiritual sons/daughters and serve as spiritual fathers/mothers to equip others to fulfill their God-given destiny.