Up till now I have mostly used my own descriptions. Let’s add a couple thoughts from the Bible. One Biblical writer, after scrawling a long list of things that should no longer be found in the Christian’s life, says this:
“Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him.” (Colossians 3:10).
New Clothes Required!
Who does not like new cloths?! New is good… except when new requires that the old must go… and we are not found of change. Growing closer to God requires change. Spiritual coaching will inevitably lead to a new vision that will highlight needed change. Reality will set in and remove all ability to ignore those elephants (see part 2)! Well, as least if we are serious about improved performace in life and relationship. A change as visible and obvious as proudly putting on a new outfit that you have just purchased. That is the picture that “renewed” paints in the verse above. Change is on the horizon. Breakthrough will be necessary.
A couple things should be highlighted. First, the original language conveys that this renewal or restoration is a continual process. It is something not completed in this life so no one has arrived; we are all still on our way. Second, the way to engage and promote the process is included. We are to know our Creator, heaping knowledge on top of knowledge, leading to changes that make us more like him. There are intellectual and participative aspects. Knowledge must lead to transformation. Knowing births doing. Learning more about God precipitates allowing God to gradually bring us into compliance with his example.
Spiritual coaching helps you see the old destructive and dysfunction ways as well as new ones that are needed to move into health and possibility.
New Requires Two Changes!
If you were to read the verse above in its broader context you would find that we are told to first “lay aside” (3:8, get rid of), “put off” or “throw off”(Ephesians 4:22) before we “put on.” We cannot try to put on a new life over the top of the old one (living both simultaneously) and wear two sets of cloths at the same time. The old stench will linger and the new will not fit quite right! Nor can we just strip off the old cloths and go streaking through life spiritually speaking by failing to put on the new. The exposure would bring a myriad of new problems instead of new health! Without the proper replacement we tend to go back to what we know, not forward into the life-giving but unknown and unfamiliar future. It usually will not matter how much we think we want it. The devil you know seems better than the devil you don’t! Spiritual coaching helps people do both. See the old destructive and dysfunction ways as well as new ones that are needed to move into health and possibility.
Would you like a more detailed idea of what God asks of us, so that he can do the transforming work we need?
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”(Matthew 11:28-30, The Message)
I am not sure this needs much explaining. Details on how to cooperate with this strategy are admittedly lacking. However, a clear idea of what God needs from us in order to give us the life we want, and that he dreams for us, is right there. How to “get away with me,” “walk and work with me,” “watch me,” and “keep company with me” are the key questions. They are important because I do not know anyone that does not want to “recover their life,” “take a real rest,” and “live freely and lightly!” That all sounds good until you try to do it without any help. Spiritual coaches help us get the most of how God created us and therefore the most our of life!
Spiritual coaches help us get the most of how God created us and therefore the most our of life!
Feel free to keep poking around the site looking for ideas and answers. If you are ready to make an appointment just fill out and send this form. I trust our content will help you “learn to live” in a growing relationship with God, and find a fulfilling and meaningful life!