It’s easy to look at the Bible as a collection of hard to understand, unrelated stories. But asking three questions as we read will help us see more than just the people and places of the Bible.
Question 1: Jesus, what are You like?
We’re reading the Bible to learn more about this Savior we’ve committed to follow, so a great question to ask is, “Jesus what are You like?”
Look at what Jesus says, what He does, and how He responds to people. Is there a characteristic of Jesus you can imitate?
Jesus never changes. He is the same in the Old Testament, in the New Testament, and in our lives today. We don’t have to wonder how to follow Jesus. We can know by reading the Bible and seeing Jesus for who He is.
Question 2: Jesus, what is Your plan?
Many times we approach the Bible with our own personal agenda. We look to Scripture to prove a point instead of allowing it to shape our hearts. Instead of approaching the Bible in search of affirmation, a better question to ask is, “Jesus what is Your plan?”
Anytime we start with our own agenda, we’re likely to distort Jesus’ words for our own selfish desires. Offering Jesus your plan is a poor plan. Instead, ask Jesus, “What is Your plan for me?” and allow Him to answer through His Word. That’s the best way to insure we are in step with God’s plan for our lives.
Question 3: Jesus, what do You care about?
Asking, “Jesus, what do You care about?” starts to align our desires with His. Pay attention to where Jesus spends His time, His money, His influence. Consider what would happen if we cared about what Jesus cares about, if we were angry at what Jesus is angry about and compassionate toward those Jesus is compassionate toward.
James 1:22 says, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” Asking these three questions as we read will help us see how to apply what we are reading to our lives. Once we see what to do, then we can do it.